
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Divine series -Krishna series

Happy Janmastami

Mihira presents the symbolical journey of the lord with scientific and Theological developments which cohesive with  the life of Krishna acting as formula of nature in psychological developmental stages of the infant. These are given as seven steps of psycho- Genetic series which has to be read  at the birth of every child for the first seven days. upon the planet .


Lord Krishna forms the nucleus of many scriptures like the Mahabharata, Bhagavata, Harivamsa and Vishnu Purana. Many a number of incidents took place in his life some involving, the Pandavas, the heroes of Mahabharata, some the residents of Brindavan etc., some the Yadavas, some the friends and enemies of Krishna. The age of Krishna at the time of the various incidents is an interesting question. But we have no direct hints in any of the scriptures in respect of many life incidents.    Numbers 18,8, 7 played major role in the life of Lord.  He was born as 8th child after death of 7 children, after performing seven days and seven years rituals by the parents of Lord Krishna rituals, as the eight principle in the eighth month, eighth lunar phase.  18 in Sanskrit means Jaya Mahabharata is called by another name by Jaya where 18 Askwhohinis fought for 18 days.  So life of the Lord is also divided by  numerological manner into seven sections, with a span of 18 years scale, carrying the significance of spiritually scales of evolution, which effects human life in Astro- biological, Astro- psychological scales of life.

Age of the Krishna
Age of man
Septenary scale
First day of the birth, birth date in  each year,

Divine birth
18-36 yrs
Second day of the birth, second day from birth date.
Divine play
36 -54 yrs
3rd day of the birth, 3rd day from the birth date.
Celestial experience
54-72 yrs
4th day of the birth, 4th day from  the birth date.
Embodiment of law
72- 90yrs
5th day of the birth, 5th day from the birth date.
Man of yoga
90- 108yrs
6th day of the birth, 6th day from the birth date.
Universal vision
108-126 yrs
7th day of the birth, 7th day from the birth date.
Secret journey

The age of the Lord Krishna can be divided into seven ages which represent 7 Ages and ages of humanity. The  7 racial plans of the humanity and the seven process that one has to proceed in the path of truth and light on which masters has tread upon till now. Theses seven demarcations represent septenary cycles of human life, which trigger a change that occurs from seven days of the birth of the child to  every seven years of human life.)

The Process Of Study
1.    First step includes reading these chapters on the respective days of birth of the child i.e., first seven days of birth.
2.    Secondly, one can read these books following seven days from one’s  birthday  each year .
3.    Thirdly,  one can read these chapters seven days from Krishnastami.
4.    Fourthly, one can read these 7 books on seven days from  March 21, June 21, Sept. 21 and Dec. 21 respectively.

·       Each of these reading, triggers  each kind of therapy, in each being in its manner,  all these  processes  of reading are based on sciences like Astro-Genetics, Astro-Biology and Astrology.
·       Reader can sit near the baby and can read these therapies facing towards east,  north directions.
·       One can enact as drama with a group of family members surrounding the baby.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

September 2016 issue

   Mihira New Era Monthly Magazine september 2016 ISSUE.



CONTENTS of the Month with Seven Lights. 

Cover story of the Month :  Winged Beings &Astral Flight
Meditation of the Month :      The Path of Elders.

  • you can advertise your personal add  or official advt in the pages of magazine and   at the on 3 covers of the Tittle pages.

August 2016 issue

   Mihira New Era Monthly Magazine AUGUST 2016 ISSUE.




Cover story of the Month :  Symbolism of White Elephants
Editorial of the Month :       Lord Ganesh - Elephant God.            

  • you can advertise your personal add  or official advt on the pages of pamphlet  at the bottom side of the page.