
Thursday, 21 March 2019

Bio Music sessions 5


REGD. NO. 838/2017


bio music session – 5
Simple remedy  for relieving  stress and strain.
In Dedication To 
Master MRL RAO
Chairman Mihira, from whom the work has originated
and To the founder of Mihira
Madam vanaja
M. PRADYUMNA & his team.
Associate Editor Mihira Magazine.
The Music Of The Spheres - Bio music series
Music plays a key role in human life in building up of his body  till the last breath of his life. The music is present in the intricate workings of the human anatomical physiological and psychological systems of life. The rhythm of the music can be seen in every functional unit of the human body from cell , tissues, organs, organ systems and the complicate workings of the body . Every pattern is preplanned  and self composed notes.
The cells of the body run in tune  with the  nature. Nature plays the musical notes on scales of   time which produces the music of the nature which gives rise to symphony of seasons, climates in the year , New moons and full moons of the month and the 16 phases of lunations which in turn produce aberrations of the mind and pattern of the thoughts in humans.
The song of music played by the planet in its rotation of 24 hrs tunes with symphony of the song sung by the planet moon around earth in its revolution forming 24 lunation’s in the year 12 new moon and 12 full moons.
The duration of a solar day corresponds with the duration  of lunar phases in the year thus pattern of the  mind, plan of the soul  reflect in the solar day of a year which is reflected in the consciousness of human being as a day of his life . Thus day also gives rises 6400 seconds which reflect to 6400 strings of consciousness which  gives rises to 24 sparks of awakening of human being the realm of the day in which he is awakened at three fourth of the day remaining he slumbers in sleep.
These 24 sparks of awakening reflect in his cell (Human Cell) as 24 pairs of chromosomes 24 base pairs of the DNA which continue the song of the year of moon and sun .thus the Astro- Music of the spheres will be played in cells of the human being as bio music
The sun carries forth the plan of the  year to the earth as 12months of the year   which reflects  as 12 pairs of  night and days which reflect as 12 new moons  of night and full moons of the day of the year. Thus song of nature manufactures the bodies of the human beings and hitherto the minds and pattern of constitution of the beings in resonance with the  plan of the Solar Lord. Thus human being is an epitome of the  solar system.

Thus the  human being is born with the music of the spheres he is made in shell of time ball formed with rotation of the music of the spheres. The seven rays of the sun emanate 7 colours, 7 tones of music which help in creation of the worlds and other planets. The composition of the days in a week   also includes arrangement of centre in the human vertebrae in the etheric plane which helps in awakening of these centers with music of the seven stringed lyre of Apollo Sun God in Greek philosophy.

Seven strings of Apollo emanate, seven tones and seven colours of spectrum which reverberate with one tune where sound merges light. Light is  radiation, colour is difference  in vibration and .sound flows through vibration , the light creates radiation and colour creates arrangement of mental faculties.

The Gods  and Angels and the  instruments of music  they use in act of creation  has  a definite relation with the human body. All the musical instruments has definite symbolic representation with the human body. Each instrument influence each organ in the body thus the musical symphony heals and rearranges the human faculties of mind, senses, thoughts, feelings and his state of existence in right manner removes diseased state   replaces it with eased state of health.

Each music played in the each region of the world influence the mind and psychological apparatus of the of the mind to some manner.
Influence of music on plants, animal and human is already being made , few of which are published in many books  and made as  practice in the hospitals.

This attempt is made to explore the most intricate relation between the ragas of music which help in cure of certain diseases.

1.    SISU SAMSKRA NIDHI 2012,                   1.  Smt Pappu Padmavathi garu
       ON INFANT MUSIC THERAPHHY.        2.  Smt Pappu Padma Ravi Shantkar garu - Veena Artists
                                                                             3.  Smt. Pantulu Rama Garu -Vocal Singer
                                                                             4.  Sri Srinivas garu - Violinist
                                                                             5.  Dr Bkd Prasad Garu.- Veena Artist
                                                                             6.  Sri Sridhar Garu- Mrudhangam
                                                                             7.  Sri V.Venkata Ramana Garu. - Veena Artist
                                                                             8.  Smt. Joghulamba - Veena Artists
                                                                             9.  Smt. Dr N Krishnaveni Garu   

1. FIRST SESSION 2015       Anandabhairavi raga                   Smt.B.Suryateja(vocal);
                                                 for heart patients                         SriH.Ramcharan(violin);
                                                                                                      SriG.Venakat Rao(Mrudangam);
                                                                                                      M.Kamesh (Ghatam).
2. SECOND SESSION,2016  Kalyani raga for                          KumariC.Ramya
                                                 nervousness disorder                   Kiranmayee(singer);
                                                                                                      SriG.Venakat Rao(Mrudangam);
                                                                                                      V Jayadeep sarma (kunjeera).
3.THIRD SESSION  2017      Mohana raga for depression       Students from  musical school of
                                                 and  aloofness                              Hamsa Academy under the able                                                                                                                 guidance of Smt.Dr.Manda
                                                                                                      p. Meher.Sagar(mrudangham)


Mihira presents you Bio music series which helps in healing of pain and diseased state and relives you from pressures of  stress and strain. The effect of sound on human systems is a proved experimental truth which is widely practiced all over the world .Basing on Indian ancient classical and karnatic music played with the help of instruments and vocal music we are attempting few ragas and sounds of music which is  proved to be success in this endeavor .
A combined effort of Biotechnologist and Musical scholars a Novel way of approach to the music is made with the same old import of music ,Proving its novelty in its application than in  its composition.  In Compositions of  few Bio- musical notes ,we  found similarity of the notes with that of random DNA structural samples in the process of research. So with the aid of bio-informatic tools, we have attempted to synchronize the sample structures of DNA with musical notes which gave rise to new combinations of Musical notes as a sequel with DNA sequences.
 The effect of music over a prolonged period of time proved useful in altering some of the damaged DNA structures.  With the experimental values we have made found some ragas of both eastern and western Music , which hope to  amend and transform  the deformed DNA structures. with this research theory   we have made,  an attempt to come forward. May this attempt  result in establishing the health of the patient in strength.
 besides  theses Mihira is trying to produce various other therapies which proved successful in the child development and individual betterment with the combined research of Science Music, Theology, Astrology, Psychology, Anthropology, Medicine, Arts. Genetics, Homeopathy, bio-informatics, Ayurveda, and many other interdisciplinary branches for  physical ,psychological developments and to endure both physical  mental pain, and stress.
M.Pradyumna  Associate Editor Mihira.
B Tech - Bio Technologist,  Dp- Bioinformatics.

DNA Music Theraphy

Each part of the cell, and molecules of the body move with a speed in the body and are composed with a definite unique sequence which is non redundant in its composition and functionality.
 In our research , each sequence with the help of bio informatics tools is producing  a rhythm of sound, therefore   producing a definite tones of music. when these sequences are again subjected to processing in the bioinformatical study of DNA music software  a definite order is produced which resembles  the  ragas and the notes of the western and eastern musical compositions.
Then we have extracted the diseased  genes and gone for processing the gene in the software tool which gave rise to astonishing fact that it is missing the rhythm of the notes as it was producing in the healthy individual. so with the ragas found and made in our research we are producing few ragas of few tissues which may help in producing alignment of sequences in order with the help of external music to the some extent rather than experiencing a random  atmosphere surrounding the patient. This is called DNA Music Therapy. we have given this therapy in various hospitals, clinics which proved their workings to some extent.
we have also several other therapies, like

1.       womb music Garbha Samskar for the pregnant women.- Nishekhanidhi series
2.       Infant Music Therapy for just born in the immediate hours of birth.sisusmaskara nidhi
3.       Psychological Music therapy for the infant from 7th day to 70 days. sisu samrakshna nidhi
4.       psychogenetic chants for  the just born during first seven days of birth.vedic theraphy cd
5.       Astro Chants during first three days, 3 books to be chanted basing time of birth
6.       Bio Music therapy series  for  healing of pain distress in  patients.
Depending upon the various  bio-musical experiments, some compositions  are composed  which helps in curing of various diseases , psychic abnormalities,  genetical disorders and child development. Mihira with a Team of  a Novel Biotechnologist M.Pradyumna  and  his team of Doctors have done experimental research on these bio music and releasing theses series which would help society creating good environment for the cure of patients .These are scientifically presented papers by M.  Pradyumna and are  patented to Mihira Publications.
All copyrights are reserved for the material ,concepts and research produced.
Mihira .

Research Article On “MOHANA RAGA“
This is a Research made in alternative medical Therapy for suffering  patients with different ailments. This year we took Mohana raga as raga of theraphy which is considered as raga of energy and amusement.
Mohana is a raga in carnatic music. It is an audava raga( in  pentatonic scale). It is janya raga of Harikombhoji(28th Melakartha Raga).
It is  especially used for depression, indigestion  and  diabetes  patients. It helps in bringing joy & energy. It  also heals migraine headaches. It is an evening raga if played from 7pm to 10pm or heard or sung gives best of its result. 

Homeopathy also have connection with this raga.  Natrum Mur, Aurum met   patients can be healed with this raga and  Ignatia patient’s constitution can be healed better.
 Astrology  also plays an important  role.  People born on  eclipse and new moon days if  hear this raga,  they may feel replenished. This raga works effectively during evening and night times.  It activates Ajna chakra ( brow centre).  If one sees violet color, mediates violet color or  listens this raga,  his depression can be healed.

We also passed through experimental procedure, of passing the notes of the raga into the software of  DNA music and compared the DNA music samples of existing DNA database of depressed patients which to the majority extent matched with western raga produced by the software. Afterwards the Depressed & B.P. patients were made to listen to this rage during sleep at various centers.  Now we conduct the Concert on  one raga only which acts as medical therapy for patients. We are also giving this musical audio notes to all patients of depression in our Mihira free clinics as musical capsule. More information  can be read in our Mihira—new era monthly magazine 9849658360 & 61, 9848060528.

May this Series help all to heal oneself and play music in their homes at corresponding times and in hospital wards near patients, which helps to heal oneself and others. This is an attempt towards holistic way of treatment.

for more details follow us   and subscribe 
2. mihiranewerawisdom - facebook
3. listen concert @mihirawisdomteachingtemple@youtubechannel.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Few Glimpses of Master MRL Garu Journey

Few Glimpses of Master MRL Garu Journey around the world in serving his master's plan with Madam Vanajagaru

1.Enlightening through words, letters , and speech
2. Healing through medicine music and speech .
3.Guiding with the plan of God through Astrology 
4. Nourshing with spritual wisdom of scriptures
5. Sanctification through Rituals , meditations and sacred syllables of saints.
6.Unfication of people of all races through world brotherhood , Global family and Spritualhood.
7. Esoteric Discipleship of the world brothers into the Masters and their path through Love and service.

March 2019 Issue

Cover Story on  Chidambara Rahasyam Temple - The Secrets and Symbolism of Natraj Temple .

Bio Music Therapy session 6.

Concept of Bio Music Therapy : M Pradyumna Rao
Vocal: Smt G. Sarada Subramanyam
Violin: Sri H.Ramcharan
Mridangam: Sri P.Mehar Sagar
Tabla: Sri M.Srinivas

గాత్రం: శ్రీమతి G. శారద సుబ్రహ్మణ్యం
వయొలిన్: శ్రీ H. రాంచరణ్
మృదంగం: శ్రీ P. మెహర్ సాగర్
తబలా : శ్రీ M. శ్రీనివాస్

Friday, 15 March 2019

New year 2019

Gurupoojalu 2019

Salutations to Great Legendary in Astrology , who is also a great Yogi,Tantric , teacher , guru , guide philosopher, astronomer, doctor,and spritualist . He gave formula.of life adopted from his guru Master E.K.

May he shower his blessings upon all this year and guide every on to the feet of his Guru Master EK 🙏
Master Ek Namaskarams 🙏
Master MN Namaskarams 🙏
Master CVV Namaskarams 🙏
Master MRL Namaskarams 

Jan 22 2019 Master MRL garu Birthday celebrations

                                         Jan 22, 2019 Master MRL garu Birthday celebrations

Master MRL.Namaskarams 🙏
The spritual leader, traditional journalist , an International Astrologer. In his tradition and lineage of his gurus Master has done worked on social , Cultural Spritual , professional spheres of life and has given the light of his Master to all. We miss his physical presence but feel his spritual presence in all his works.
Mihira is part of his life works which was started at his 50 years. But his inspiration and aspiration filled Mihira with life and energy with which it is working in his guidelines in various spehers.

He is man of Love ,wisdom ,support and moral strength to many . He is light of direction, tower of vision and hand of support for others. He is destiny path and spritual home for few others.
He is Vedic Mason , a New Age worker, a white magician ,modern spritualist , the seed group worker , dhyani chohan , occult alchemist , Aquarius teacher for the Aquarian Age , medium of Modern yoga , a channel for Mandra workings , an spritual router for planetary vibrations, spritual astrolger , master Mason and an esoteric and exoteric healer . There are many more things about this Master who is a disicple of the Grand Master EK . May he shower his blessings upon all of us on this holy ocassion fo Gurupoojas 🙏.
May his bless our Mihira to run in his footprints🙏always