
Saturday, 23 April 2016

Mihira Astro- Series

              MIHIRA   ASTRO SERIES
         ASTRO -BIOLOGICAL Therapeutics

 Mihira is presenting you Astro-biologicaltherapies for infants and parents (any one )which can be chanted, listened or enacted at  respective periodical timing of birth of the child and that of the birthday of every individual according to the  respective time cycles.
 These therapies helps in evoking of various psychological biological , genetical and etheric vehicles of human constitution and sprouts the Astro -biological seeds of human body in due periods hours and seconds with respective to planetary movements.

These series help in accession  of Astro physiological, Astro- psychological   and Astro- biological phenomenon of life to rearrange the lines of energy in human constitution.
This is combined research from Astrologist, Psychologist, Biologist,Biotechnologist, Astro-Physicist, Pediatrics ,Homeopaths and  Anthropologist..

1. Zodiacal Mysteries.
Zodiacal mysteries is  to be read every month from birth date of the month .

2.Vedic Tarrot ( astro mediations)
 These are to be kept a symbols of mediation  at every week of the year.

3.Planetary Plans.
 These are to be read during the first three days of the birth of the child and every month from birthday by anyone.

4. Stellar Splendours.

These are to be read for every 20 days from birth date of the child .

                    Mihira calendar series
Mihira is presenting you calendar series from astrological research school.

These calendar series contain panchaganam astrological calendars and horoscope predictions for 12 zodiacal signs each year.

These series also gives significance of each year and its symbolical plans concealed in it and  help in providing ,hints suggestions, techniques and remedies  for the easy run of life in tune with plan of the year lord.

Telugu panchgam

2.Celestial Cycles
Horoscope predictions for 12 zodiacal signs each year and celestial prophecies of the year according to various nations ,cults of the world.

Wall calendars with  panchanga in telugu

4.Pocket Diaries.
Dairies with panchanga in English.

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